According to Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, “The Indian drone market will become a Rs 3 lakh crore market by 2030, employing 3-4 lakh persons.”
The drone industry in India is still in its nascent stages, but it has been growing rapidly in recent years. As the drone industry expands, there is a need for skilled professionals who can design, operate, and maintain these sophisticated devices. There has been a push for closer collaboration between industry and academia to facilitate the sector’s growth.
Several colleges and universities in India are now offering programs and courses related to drones and UAVs to meet this demand. The topics covered in these courses range from the basics of drone technology to more advanced uses like aerial mapping and inspection.
Here are a few courses offered by the following colleges and Universities.
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur
IIT Kanpur is one of India’s top government-funded institutions for higher technical education. IIT Kanpur provides courses in management, humanities, engineering, and science. IIT-Kanpur is now offering an MTech program on drone technology as the first of its kind in the country. In this course, the students will be required to complete the course in two years, in which the first year is dedicated to coursework and the second year on research leading to a thesis.
The MTech program on drone technology is associated with two interdisciplinary specializations:
- Aeromechanics and Design
- Autonomy
In 2022, IIT Kanpur has collaborated with the government of Uttar Pradesh to set-up a centre for drone solutions, working on different use of drones.
To learn more about the drone courses offered by IIT Kanpur, you can visit their website here:
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS)
Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science (HITS) offers a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) program in “Aerospace Engineering” that includes a course on “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)” as an elective subject.
The course covers topics such as
- Drone design,
- Flight mechanics,
- Control systems
HITS, Chennai, has collaborated with different drone companies, including Skylark Drones, Terra Drone India, and AVIAN Aerospace, to provide internships and job opportunities to its students.
Learn more about the drone courses offered by HITS here:
Raxa Techno Security Solutions Ltd
Raxa Techno Security Solutions Ltd is a security company of GMR Airports Infrastructure Ltd. The company is offering two drone training courses under their academy known as Raxa Academy.
Drone courses offered by Raxa Academy:
- Drone Pilot Training Course: This course will include simulator and offline teachings for the learners, a 5-day course.
- Advanced Drone Industrial Training course: This course will provide the learners with Industrial level training in drone operations which will be a 10-day course.
If you wish to know more about the drone courses by Raxa Academy, you can visit:
These are just some of the colleges and universities in India that offer drone courses. These courses are helping to meet the demand for skilled drone professionals. The growth of these drone courses in Indian universities is mainly due to the increasing collaboration between industry and academia.
Also read: Drone Training Institutes in India: Courses Offered
Drone startups and companies are partnering with universities to develop curricula tailored to the industry’s needs. As the drone industry expands, we expect more partnerships between industry and academia to develop new drone technologies and applications.